Hello world!
I’m Max Davitt. I’m 24 years old, use he/him pronouns, and live near Akron, OH, USA. I’ve been interested in software development for a large chunk of my life and it’s what keeps me employed. Outside of that I also enjoy learning about business, journalism, media production, and more. I play video games and read a little bit too.
This is my little website. It’s open-source and built using Hugo with the Bear Blog theme. The “Home” page is what you’re currently reading, the “Now” page is basically “what I’m up to these days”, the “Blog” is where I put all the stuff that I talk about here, and the “Sandbox” is where I figure out what stuff to talk about. :)
Blog posts are tagged to make them easier to sift through. I don’t really know what I want the tag taxonomy to look like but I’ll try not to break things very often. RSS feeds are also available for both the full blog and filtered by tag. If your feed reader doesn’t auto-detect them you should be able to get the feed URL by throwing index.xml
at the end of the page’s URL.
My email address is my first name @
my last name .me
(if you’re confused look at your URL bar). Thanks for visiting!